And now the review for the first episode of the new season of Doctor Who Asylum of the Daleks!
of the Daleks
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Nick Hurran
Starring Matt Smith as the Doctor
Karen Gillian as Amy Pond
Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams
Wow! Now that was a great start to
a new season! Seriously, it doesn’t get much better than Daleks, big
explosions, plot twists and soufflés! Did I mention Daleks? Yes, I did! And
good thing too because the title of the outstanding season premiere for Matt
Smith’s third season is Asylum of the
Daleks! Just from that bit of info alone you can guess there are Daleks
involved (who doesn’t love them?) and one could also guess that the episode
involves some sort of holding place, much like a prison! Now you’re asking
yourself how big explosions and soufflé fit into the mix, but fear not I’m here
to hold your hand like a lovely young fellow and tell you a bit of what’s going
on and I’ll also be dishing out my lovely opinion and thoughts on this episode.
And for those of you a bit worried about spoilers then STOP RIGHT NOW as there
will be spoilers in here involving a certain plot twist. You’ve been given fair
warning so now on with the review!
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You've been warned! |
start our new season on the planet Skaro, home planet of the Daleks. The Doctor
has come to meet a woman requesting his help, but all is not as it appears. The
woman is actually a new type of Dalek, a fearsome new take on the robomen from The Dalek Invasion of Earth, but less
cheesy in appearance.
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That looks a tad painful. |
The Doctor is captured, and soon after are Amy and Rory
are swooped up by the Daleks too. Another problem looms over Rory and Amy
though, divorce! Yes, that’s right divorce is in the cards apparently for our
lovable time traveling married couple. Now the Daleks haven’t just captured the
Doctor to kill him, but to request his help. Within the Dalek Empire is a whole
planet that the Daleks use as a prison for the most deranged and damaged Daleks
in their collective. The problem is that a spaceship has crashed onto the
planet, rupturing the force field that holds all of the insane Daleks on the
planet at bay. To make matters worse a lone survivor of the crashed ship appears
to be on the planet, and to make things grimmer she spends her time making
soufflés! What kind of a beast is this soufflé making woman named Oswin that
can hold out against such deranged Daleks!?
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Terror in the kitchen! |
The Doctor, Rory and Amy are sent
to the planet to deactivate the shield so the Daleks can blew the planet to
smithereens, but they’re given bracelets to wear so the nano-technology on the
planet doesn’t convert them into the new People-Daleks. This would be done by
the nanos in the air slowly altering their bodies to become killing machines.
Looks like we’re off to a great start, and a major twist awaits Who fans at the
end of the episode that will play into future episodes of our beloved Doctor
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What does the future hold for Matt Smith as we approach the big 50? |
let’s start things off simple. The Daleks, if some of you haven’t guessed
already, are rather prevalent in this story. Actually, every Dalek that has
ever appeared in Doctor Who is in this episode. So to us Dalek lovers this is
basically the Mardi Gras of Dalek episodes.
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The Daleks on parade! |
Everywhere you look is a Dalek! The
only thing missing from this Dalek parade is Davros. I’ve decided that despite
my love of Davros, this is a good thing as the episode already has a lot going
on in it without needing everyone’s favorite insane hover chair bound wrinkle
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I still have hope though for his return one day in the distant future. |
What we do get though is a look at the current Dalek Empire, now filled
with everyone’s favorite multicolored Dalek paradigm. I may be in the minority
here but I don’t hate the new Dalek paradigm. I think it’s a good idea that
just needs to be worked in right. And hey! What do you know; they worked fine
in this episode. They felt like high ranking officials when surrounded by
normal Daleks.
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Why must everyone hate them? |
All and all the Daleks were great in this episode, even the new
Dalek-people are a nice new edition to the majesty of the Dalek Empire. We even
get a nice Dalek explosion in the episode and everyone loves it when Daleks
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Even Tom loves expldoing Daleks! |
I need to get something off my chest about Amy and Rory. I do like Amy and Rory, I really do! However, I feel
like things are wearing a little thin with them and their time on Doctor Who.
While there’s this new an interesting development for them this episode, the
idea of divorce, I feel like it wasn’t explored well outside of their
introduction scenes for this episode. Introducing Amy as currently being this
vein fashion model diva and Rory as this fed up soon to be ex-husband was a
pretty interesting way to bring them back into this season.
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Work it girl~ |
A new and interesting
act of the Amy and Rory relationship enters the fray, or at least a look at the
possible end of it. Sadly though we get a one episode glimpse into what could
have been. Aside from some off putting comments
from the couple and some worried looks from the Doctor things get solved rather
easily. A heartfelt confession and a revelation about Amy not being able to
bear any more children after the events of Demon’s Run and everything is back
to normal.
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Back to normal for our "happy' couple. |
Sadly though, I feel it would have had a bigger impact later on
towards their departure during episode 5 of this season. I’d have loved to see
the whole divorce mechanic played out for a few more episodes. Having Amy and
Rory aboard the TARDIS with some bickering and spite, and the Doctor constantly
trying to mend it would of made things really interesting leading up to their
big departure. An interesting new dynamic for them is quickly done away with
and I for one was hoping for more. However, Amy being infected by the Dalek
nano-machines half way through the episode was done surprisingly well. The
scene where she begins to hallucinate about what I can only imagine are bits of
her life are even a bit intoxicating to the audience. It’s really appealing
scene, and then when she snaps out of it to a bunch of Daleks hovering about
was just sublime.
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Dalek dance party! |
This eerily beautiful little hallucination suddenly turning
into a Dalek dance party worked well in shifting me out of wondering what
exactly Amy was hallucinating about and back into the threat of the TARDIS crew
being stuck inside this asylum.
best thing overall about Asylum of the Daleks is the lone survivor of the
crashed ship, Oswin, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman. Jenna-Louise Coleman? Wait
a minute. That’s the new companion who joins the Doctor after Amy and Rory leave!
What’s going on?! Well, Moffat and everyone working on the show kept it under
wraps, but she makes her first appearance in this episode, and what an amazing surprise
it is!
For practically the whole episode we see her from deep inside the planet,
boarded up in a room trying to keep herself safe from the Daleks. The Doctor
only hears her voice over transmissions broadcast throughout the asylum, and he
can’t see her face. Oswin is this smart, frisky, witty girl who seems to have
outsmarted the Daleks and sits in her little bunker making soufflés. She even
takes to remarking on the Doctor’s chin which I found to be quite cute and I
must admit she’s starting to win my heart.
The Doctor though raises and
interesting question, where does she get the milk to make the soufflés? The
answer to that is a plot twist that while not astronomically shocking, is
conveyed marvelously by Coleman. Seriously, I was feeling a bit teary eyed by
the revelation that she in fact is a Dalek. When making a soufflé you...
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Get it? Eggs-stir-min-ate? EXTERMINATE! |
isn’t one of the new human-look-a-like Daleks, but she was so smart and clever
that the Daleks in the asylum wanted her to join their ranks. Our upcoming
companion in her first televised appearance on Doctor Who is basically already
dead. If you’ve been turned into a Dalek you might as well be dead as there is
practically nothing left of what you once were. However, Oswin fights on; she’s
been pushing on and resisting her conversion. Trapped inside the shell of a
Dalek is Oswin entombed in her own little make believe world where she’s
continued to fight on. She struggles to remain human. The heart breaking scene
in which she confronts her own fate is now one of my favorite moments in Doctor
Who. Oswin’s sacrifice at the end to save the Doctor, and rid the Daleks of
their knowledge of the Doctor had me cheering, but also left me a bit melancholy.
Oswin’s last words though gave me hope.
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Doctor... Who...? |
I loved this episode! It was fantastic, complete with a look at a new upcoming companion that I already love and the thing everyone loves, exploding Daleks!
the fact I felt the Pond’s marriage woes were handled a little poorly the rest
of the episode absolutely glows. This was the best television season opener so
far in Doctor Who’s history. It had everything one could hope for in a self-contained
story, including a plot twist that was kept so well hidden that I wasn’t even
slightly spoiled by the media or episode previews. Now, I haven’t been a major
fan of a majority of the Dalek episodes since Doctor Who returned to television
in 2005, but Asylum of the Daleks does
it right! This is a Dalek story that belongs up there with The Dalek Invasion of Earth and Genesis
of the Daleks.
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A bright future awaits the Daleks under Moffat's loving rule! |
The Daleks feel like a big threat again rather then
something people struggle to write a good episode for. Now I’m left with the
question of how things will play out for the Doctor and Oswin when they meet
face to face even though at some point in the future it seems she’ll perish.
The Doctor doesn’t even have a clue yet as to whom she was. I find hope though
in Oswin’s last words as she turned to the camera and smiled.
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"Run you clever boy. And remember." |
I will certainly remember this episode
for the rest of my days. And I eagerly await young Coleman’s return.
Rating: 5 out of 5
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Till we meet again~ |
Thorough review though maybe a bit busy with so many moving images. Good call on the Eggs / Stir / Min / Ate
ReplyDeleteNolw wait for the Dinosaurs!
Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm pretty excited for the dinosaurs, but oddly enough I'm more excited for the Weeping Angels episode and The Power of Three. Even though nothing is really known about The Power of Three. lol